Wednesday, March 17, 2010


days pass by, and i'm still having a hard time figuring out where i went right. i'm not complaining, but overall, life has been really good. my love life has been rebuilt all over again, and things at home are gradually progressing for me and my family. my life feels like it's going to be making a 180 not very long from now.

patience really does pay off.

sure, there are days when i just get frusterated and want things to go by so much faster, but at the end of those days, i'll sit back and count my blessings, and pray for a better day.

family is my number one blessing. i don't know what i would do or where i would be without them. my parents are the strongest two people i know. have stuck by my brother and sisters and me through it all even when we've put them through the worst. and of course, andy has been my strength, my best friend, my love, and support, and happiness. i can't picture life without him.

family is my number one blessing. i love them. even when we all feel like everything's falling apart or we just want to be away from each other for a while, at the end of the day we all stick by one another. i have no idea what we would do if we let ourselves break.

now that i think about it, family at this point is my first, last, and only blessing.

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