Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentines Day 2008;

oh, my love, how far we've come along since this day. this was a bit after our first one month anniversary. i remember this day like it was yesterday. we were experiencing our first argument. haha. but like the 'amazing' performers that we are, we pulled it off fairly well. this wasn't exactly valentine's day either, but we had been arguing for a few days, and then made up on valentine's day. you were my first valentine and hopefully my last. i'll never forget it. 

looking through old photos of you and me really does make me tear up a little bit. especially around special times like these. i find this photo in particular to be a coincidence that i came across it. it was just kind of interesting to me that i found it when valentine's day is just around the corner. 

two years ago, i don't think that either one of us knew what we were getting ourselves into. two years and almost a month later, we remain standing with so many blissful memories. from laughter to tears to performances and so many other adventures we've come across, whether they were good or bad, we're still here. 

i know that i'm not the easiest person to love or be with, because sometimes, i honestly don't understand myself yet, but looking at this, i can't help but notice how young we were. yes, we're both still learning a lot, and growing up, but look at far how we've come, baby. two years and a month later after so much, we remain together, and i honestly cannot say that i would have wanted to experience anything we've gone through with anybody else.

i've said it way too many times before, but i honestly don't know where i would be without you. you have done so much more than just be my boyfriend. you have been my best friend, watching out for me through it all and ready to catch me at all times even before i begin to fall. and although you can't be here like you were before, i know you are always by my side through it all just as i am for you.

i know that things aren't the same as they were before because of this redundant distance, but if we keep working together, use our patience the way we're supposed to, and keep our faith, everything will have been for the best. it is difficult not being able to see you everyday like i used to, but i don't quit, and i know that you don't either. so for now, baby love, i leave you with one thing i have to say:

"...i've promises to keep and
a million apologies to the life to you i gave
but i know that God made it no mistake

i'll continue to grow
i'll continue to bleed
i'll continue to fight
for i know it is my deed

i will not quit
my love will not die
a soldier is what you long for
and your soldier is what am i
i will not quarrel
i will not cry

my love, my dear, a daily battle is what i fight
for you, my only treasure, i will give my life
i stand at the edge and i'm ready to fall
but i know that this is not the end at all

another 'once upon a time' is what we do have
so give me this chance and continue to hold me tight
don't let me go, and watch as i fly..."

i'm sure you've probably read this before, baby. i originally wrote it a few months ago, and it's a part of a longer, depressing poem, but now, this is the only part that matters. you and i have been through the biggest storms in the deepest parts of the seas together, and i just ask for you to hold on to me like you did before. it may become dificult at times, but i know it deep down in my heart that this is all for our future. a future that we will never regret, just like our past.

i love&miss you, andy jonathan guzman, like you'll never know. here's to a whole new chapter in our life. a whole new 'you&me'. one brand new performance that penguin&panda are rehearsing for...

Always January 8th of 2008<333

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